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Posts by LAKHANH
Joined: Aug 2, 2018
Last Post: Aug 4, 2018
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From: Vietnam
School: DL school

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Aug 2, 2018
Writing Feedback / The levels of unemployment among young people between 1993 and 2012 in England [6]

the percentage of unemployed people in UK

The line graph compares levels of unemployment among 16 to 24-years-olds with overall unemployment figures from 1993 to 2012 in England.

Overall, the unemployment ratio was significantly higher for the youth than for the general adults in both london and the rest of England during the 20-year period. And the joblessness in London are more popular than that in the rest of the UK.

In 1993, around 22% of young adults in London were unemployed, after falling to under 15% in 2002, this figure then increased significantly and reached a peak at exactly 25% by 2012. In contrast, there was a decline in the overall unemployment ratio in London from under 15% in 1993 to just about 7% in 2006, although after that this figure rose slightly, it just remained under 10% in 2012.

Similarly, in 1993, the percentage of unemployment among young Labour in the rest of England was approximately 17% , after decreasing to about 11% in 2002, this figure then rose dramatically and by 2012, it peaked at over 20%. Otherwise, there was an downward trend in the general joblessness rate in outer London from exactly 10% in 1993 to just under 5% in 2005, despite minor growths it still remained below 10% by 2012.

  • The graph below shows changes in young adult unemployment rates in England between 1993 and 2012.
Aug 3, 2018
Writing Feedback / The levels of unemployment among young people between 1993 and 2012 in England [6]

Thanks a lot for your comment and advice. ❤ To be honest, I'm really struggling with writing :(, i took ielts exam 4 times.... And my writing skill was still at 5.5 =.='

I really appreciate your help. Thank you so much for your comment and advice. ❤ To be honest, I'm really bad at writing, i always feel so confused and I don't know how to start and how to write a correctly sentence . Can u show me how to write summary overview correctly?
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