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Name: Deborah Saint-Cyr
Joined: Sep 8, 2018
Last Post: Sep 8, 2018
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From: United States
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Sep 8, 2018
Research Papers / Pesticide contaminated foods - Research Paper [2]

Research Paper Regarding Pesticides

When we grocery shop for fruits and vegetables we have all recognized the "organic" labels placed on a selected few items that are carefully grouped and priced significantly higher than the other foods that do not contain the organic label. I, myself often buy many foods "organic" unaware of the hidden facts behind a non-organic item (pesticide contaminated foods). Without knowing, a preconceived notion has already been planted into my mind regarding foods that contain pesticides. At times I wonder if I am just foolishly paranoid of the possibilities or perhaps wasting my time. However, consumers must become aware of exactly what they are ingesting and what they are feeding to their families. Knowing the negative impacts of this element will reveal a sufficient reason for people like you and I to use precaution when choosing between "organic" or "non-organic" foods while grocery shopping.

The National Institute of Environmental Health Science defines pesticides as "any substance used to kill, repel, or control certain forms of plant or animal life that are considered to be pests" (NIH). However, what makes up these pesticides and what are the effects? Discovering the science of pesticides will reveal the truth behind its negative effects on its consumers. This chemical compound is commonly used on food and has a tremendous effect on the health of those who enjoy these contaminated foods.

For a moment we can take some time to dive into the history of pesticides to view the stem of the idea. Pesticides have been implemented into agriculture long ago. The beginning of this chemical use on crops has been traced back to Mesopotamia around 10,000 years ago (Unsworth). As farmers strived to increase crop yield they ran into issues that almost seemed inevitable. The weeds multiplied while the disease carrying pests were working to destroy all crops. Pesticides became the next best thing to deterring the pests and putting an end to weed growth around their crops. However, this came with an ultimate price for the public. Since this discovery of pesticides have continued to be a part of agriculture and is now used in many other places such as schools, businesses, and most importantly your home.

Farmers argue that pesticides help to repel any harmful pests that come to destroy the crops and ones that carry diseases. These diseases can then be transferred to humans during consumption. Some infectious diseases that can be transferred from insects and other pests are allergies, flu, prions, anthrax, and microbial contamination (EPA). However, the use of pesticides have a similar negative effect that would more than likely be guaranteed due to its ingredients. Rapid deterioration due to pest issues can result in a reduction of crop yield and can even result in unemployment. The cost on crops will increase and may cease the opportunity to bring certain foods into stores such as oilseed rape (Held). However, is that worth the deterioration of human health resulting in serious illness such as cancer? In the eyes of the government they see this practice as worth the risk.

The government has setup several agencies to participate in the monitoring of pesticide distribution in every aspect to ensure public safety. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) & The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) are appointed government organizations to regulate pesticide distribution levels. The EPA is in-charge of setting a standard for pesticide usage in order to ensure the chemicals are being utilized in moderation based on its proven effects in humans. While the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for monitoring pesticides by testing foods along with their containers for traces of pesticides and their levels of toxicity. The regulations conducted by the FDA and EPA are implemented with the effects on the human body into consideration. The classification of an "organic" product is determined by an organization that assists in providing public safety as well.

This organization is known as the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The USDA sets a strict government standard for companies to follow in order to label a specific product as organic. They also issue "USDA Organic" food labels for consumer reference (USDA). This agency describes organic as the process of food growth, handling, and processing (Mills). The USDA provides a list of regulations that farmers must follow in order to label a food as organic. Therefore, organic crops/animals cannot:

·Be grown with synthetic fertilizers, synthetic pesticides or sewage sludge (crops).
·Be genetically engineered or irradiated (crops).
·Be given anything other than organically grown feed and can't be treated with synthetic hormones or antibiotics (animals).
·Be limited to indoors only and must have access to pasture (animals).
·Be cloned (animals).

Each governmental agency responsible for any sort of pesticide distribution are aware of the posed risks for humans when this element is ingested. Californians for Pesticide Reform state that pesticide exposure can cause harmful long-term effects that are irreversible. However, there are some short-term effects that can appear to someone exposed to a dose above lethal level. Individuals that may be more susceptible to these effects are infants and children as well as agricultural workers ("Pesticides and Human Health"). Immediate side effects that may occur are rashes, dizziness, diarrhea, and stinging eye plus more. Although there are results that can instantly appear there are effects that can surface following long after the exposure to a pesticide.

One published case from San Francisco, CA demonstrates just how harmful pesticides may be. A groundskeeper for Roundup sued his employer after learning that he is dying of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Roundup is a well-known company that manufactures herbicides commonly used on weeds. Within these pesticides used by this company lies a significant amount of glyphosate which is one of the active ingredients (Elias). This case was brought to trial with the argument that the employer's choice of pesticides including negligence was the cause/contribution to his disease. Science has previously found a link between glyphosate and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma which left the jury convinced that this indeed led to Dewayne Johnson's illness (victim). Johnson sued his employer and was granted restitution in the amount of $289 million after bringing this case to trial in superior court.

Pesticides are mainly used on fruits, vegetables, wheat, rice, olives and canola pressed into oil, and on non-food crops such as cotton, grass, and flowers. The organophospharan (OP) pesticides malathion and chlorpyrifos are commonly used on all fruits, vegetables, and wheat. Howeer, these components are extremely toxic to humans.

Pesticides have only been brought to public attention recently; however, it has been a method of pest control on crops for about 10,000 years now.

Work's Cited:

"Pesticides." National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Unsworth, John. "History of Pesticide Use." IUPAC

"Why We Use Pesticides." EPA, Environmental Protection Agency

"Pesticides & Human Health." Californians for Pesticide Reform

"Departments." AllGov

Elias, Paul. "Jury Awards Man $289M for Claim Roundup Weed Killer Caused Cancer." KSAZ, Fox
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