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Posts by kabouh [Suspended]
Name: Mohamed Kabouh
Joined: Oct 19, 2018
Last Post: Oct 19, 2018
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From: Egypt
School: TAHA

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Oct 19, 2018
Scholarship / My recent leadership skills came during my working as a senior credit analyst in Banque Misr [2]

Leadership Essay for Chevening

The ability to make an impact does not necessitate a leadership position, to take full advantage of the opportunities that come along does require a certain set of leadership skills. Hence, my recent leadership skills came during my working as a senior credit analyst in Banque Misr, facing many problems which require effective decisions to be made.

In Dec 2017, I've got the opportunity to hold a meeting with a multi-national company to target it to my portfolio. They were having a bad impression about public sector banks due to the routine and delay in the process but tried to present the bank and its achievement and our willingness to work with such a large firm, so we agreed about specific deadline get the approval for proposed facilities.

There was a major challenge on the routine of the other departments in the bank as a public sector bank and the delay from them which may affect the agreed deadline, so I decided not to stay in my office and wait them finish their work on the case. I took the document to the investigation department instead of sending it because it will take days to start working on the case. Also, I went to the Economic court by myself to issue bankruptcy certificate for the company because the legal department refused to issue it urgently, which may affect the agreed deadline and my bank image will be worst and maybe lose the credibility which leads to the loss of a large client.

In the end, I got the approval by the agreed deadline and their perspective about our bank has been changed. This company now became one of the largest clients in our team portfolio.
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