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Posts by maricedd
Name: marialbis cedeƱo
Joined: Dec 2, 2018
Last Post: Dec 2, 2018
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From: Venezuela
School: unesr

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Dec 2, 2018
Scholarship / I want to be a participant in the Global Ugrad program not only for my own benefit [2]

why you would be a great participant?

I am a curious and open-minded person who always seeks to improve herself, it doesn't matter if I have to work harder, I believe that one day, all the hard work will pay off. I am studying English at university in Venezuela to be a teacher and i think that it is very important to obtain more information than I can get only in College, so I always need to study further and look for other resources. I want to be a participant in the Global Ugrad program not only for my own benefit but also to share all the knowledge that i could get with my classmates , community and future students. I think the role of a remarkable teacher is who always seeks to improve theirself and share knowledge with their students. My passion is to teach, I am working part time as a Spanish teacher in an online company called Baselang, where I've had the opportunity to grow and get other view of the world, because I have met people from many countries such as the United States, UK, Australia , India, Russia, China, Canada, Africa, this has been a great experience because while I teach Spanish to my students I learn something new from their cultures, stories, languages and I've improved my teaching skills.

A challenging situation in my job was when I had to explain Spanish to an African student and he didn't speak English well, I usually use English to explain the class to beginner students, so it was a challenge to teach my language in that situation, therefore i used images, short words in a fun way and the class was a success the student understood the lesson and I felt very excited because we were able to overcome language barriers and transmit an effective knowledge.

It would be a pleasure to share my culture and to know the culture of people from other countries so I would like to be part of the Global Ugrad program to know the american culture and other student's culture, creating fun and unforgettable moments with classmates and teachers in the United States , I would share the music ( play a Venezuelan instrument as "cuatro''), dance, traditions, food of my country and I have an idea of being part of a study group of Spanish as a second language with american and foreign students where i would learn more English from them and they can learn Spanish from me, so i expect in this way represent my country abroad.

The educational system of Venezuelan universities and especially in the area of English as a second language is deficient due to I decided to get more knowledge and i discovered the MOOC courses that have been an useful tool for my learning process, I finished two courses one was grammar and puntuaction of the University of California in Irvine and the other one was English for the professional development of the University of Pennsylvania through coursera, when I found this resource and i noticed that i got positive results in my learning process, I determined to do something sharing this helpful information with my classmates , which we created a study group to grow as a team using this resources as a complement in our education, we are currently doing the Leaders of learnig course of Harvard University where we have learned a lot about leardeship as teachers. As recently extracurricular activities i worked 2 weeks as volunteer at the Venezuelan Red Cross where I learned many things about the value of community service , other valuable actvity for my growth was teach English to children in my neighborhood.

One of my dreams is to work as an English teacher at my university and encourage the students contributing with new resources to design an inviroment for an effective learning, then in 10 years I would like to work as a Spanish teacher abroad, hence the Global Ugrad would be an excellent opportunity to achieve my short and long term goals. I want to improve as a teacher because they are responsible to provide effective knowledge for students, I want to inspire, motivate and that my students never stop learning.

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