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Posts by ckraysun
Name: aysun
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Feb 21, 2019
Writing Feedback / IELTS Essay: Sharing the Information (the most significant for human) - Writing Task 2 [4]

Some people believe that it is good to share as much information as possible in scientific research, business and the academic world. Others believe that some information is too important or too valuable to be shared freely.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Data Access Control

There is only few thing more important than information in today's world. Even a little detail about the cure of certain illnesses may change the history, therefore there are huge disputes when it comes to sharing information in not only scientific researches but also business and academic life. In fact that sharing as much information as possible is better for society is mainly true since it may lead improvements by other people and also help to ignore unnecessary researches, there might be some valid reasons to keep information just for a specific group.

Not keeping information just for yourself may allow a lot of advantages. Firstly, people working at the same practice area can benefit previous researches to continues their own studying process. Even though they might reach to same results by trying and experiencing, it causes a lot of time, energy and money which may be spent for future researches. More than that sharing information may reduce the number of the researches which already failed when somebody else studied on it.

After discussing the benefits of information sharing, we may also accept that certain reasons let people to keep them as a secret. Sharing all the information that we know with everybody who seek might cause the misuse of the data since these information may contain personal data or the secrets which are protected public constitutions. Violation of privacy may result in national and international problems at the end of the day. Furthermore, sharing as much as information as possible make harder to reach true and examined ones. Although it seems like that it allows individuals to learn more about whatever they want, if the necessary precautions are not taken a huge part of society may accept these informations as a true without questioning it. It may be much more harder to change people's beliefs and ideas than teaching them when they do not know anything about it.

As we can conclude, even though there is certain disadvantages of sharing information, it may be significantly helpful and useful when it come to improvements in researches and ignorance of unnecessary studies. If we manage to put restrictions when it is needed and teach society to do complete research before accepting the data as a true, people can enjoy all the benefits of not only sharing what they know but also learning what the other ones know.

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