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Posts by tranthaiha
Name: Trần Thái Hà
Joined: Feb 22, 2019
Last Post: Feb 22, 2019
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From: Vietnam
School: University of Languages and International Studies

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Feb 22, 2019
Writing Feedback / Recidivism - Ielts writing: Many offenders commit more crimes after serving the 1st punishment [2]

crimes committed repeatedly

It is a fact that there are a large number of first-time offenders released from jail that reoffend. Behind this alarming phenomenon are various reasons and measures that can be taken by the government to eliminate this issue.

There are two primary reasons for recidivism. Firstly, it is almost impossible for offenders to find proper jobs. Due to their criminal records, people still consider them a threat to society, consequently, employers usually avoid hiring wrongdoers. Secondly, the prison system is partly to blame for prisoners' committing crime again since they are locked up with other offenders. Being exposed to bad inmates will only make prisoners more susceptible to immoral intentions and thoughts.

Apart from imposing tougher punishment for criminals who reoffend, government should concentrate on rehabilitation. Vocational training is highly recommend to equip prisoners with essential skills and knowledge so that they can have a better chance of reintegrating into society and finding jobs. Another resolution to reform offenders is community service. By performing duties under the observation of supervisors, offenders are encouraged to be responsible and useful to their society, which can reduce the likelihood of reoffending.

In conclusion, recidivism is believed to be one of the overwhelming problems facing our community, however, it can be tackled if drastic measures are implemented by the government.
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