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Posts by bsse0520
Name: Mutasim
Joined: Mar 14, 2019
Last Post: Mar 20, 2019
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From: Bangladesh
School: University Of Dhaka

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Mar 20, 2019
Graduate / Statement of Purpose for M.Sc in Computer Science - Germany [2]

Hello Everyone,
I would like to have a review on my statement of purpose. I would be very thankful if anyone of you consider to evaluate my essay.

masters application then a ph.d. pursue

My aspiration for pursuing masters degree arose from the realization that my undergraduate study only comprehended a rudimentary proficiency in various disciplines of Computer Science. To be a potential player in the research field, I need more depth of knowledge. Therefore, after a close inspection to my former studies, my interest and future goal, I have decided to apply for the masters program in Computer Science and afterwards aim to pursue a Ph.D.

My professional goal is to develop an application-oriented research firm that will integrate the research work with practical concern which is most suitable for my country. At the same time I wish to exchange knowledge and experience with the huge number of freelancers in my country as Bangladesh is regarded as the second largest hub for freelancers in the world. I also envision to cooperate with the universities of our country to formulate and nurture new ideas so that these could be shaped into new technology that will help to uplift our social economic development.

The courses offered in the masters program encapsulate both of my interest and work experience. Firstly, while studying my undergraduate, the course "Distributed System" seized my attention and fascinated me to the fact that the world's biggest online platforms like Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter rely on this system. Later in this course I got more curious when we got to use the Apache Hadoop framework. However the undergrad course gave a little glimpse of this field. Secondly, most of my projects and work experiences involved the majority of my development in designing and maintaining the database. Therefore, I intend to choose "Information System" for the first specialization module in your masters program, as it offers courses on database and distributed system as well as data mining. As the second specialization module is not bounded with any particular option, rather to be chosen by the student and their supervisor, will provide the freedom to comprehend more to my research. TU Kaiserslautern collaborates with three renowned research institutes among which "Max Planck Institute for Software System" conducts many researches on Distributed System. All these opportunities attracted me to apply in this program.

My undergraduate study at Institute of Information Technology at the University of Dhaka provided me with the opportunity of learning and deploying my knowledge in the practical field simultaneously. The courses there trained me to proficiently use programming languages, algorithms, optimization, database, design pattern and software architecture that stemmed in me a firm foundation of Computer Science. During my internship at Divine IT Limited, a prominent software firm in Bangladesh, gave a vigorous insight into the industrial practice of these academic disciplines. I have worked there in a web development team where I got the opportunity to work with API, requirements specifications, testing and especially in database design and optimizing query. My final semester academic project was an online mobile app testing framework where the performance of a mobile application can be tested against different device configuration which acquainted me with shell scripting.

After my graduation, I joined in a startup in the vision of establishing our own firm. During that period I worked in web developments, testing, requirements analyzation and database management. The most challenging part was to comprehend the requirements of the clients for developing an efficient software as most of the time clients themselves were not enough aware of their needs thus helped me to analyze client requirements. During working there I also developed an Accounting Software for a Buying House, that included relational database, API and building several statistical reports. These academic knowledge and industrial experiences has made me a potential candidate for this program.

Almost free educational system of Germany is exemplary in the world. The tri categorical university system ensures proper educational opportunity for all the groups of apprentice. Another felicitous initiative is categorizing the technical university by industrial and research-oriented. Education is more pragmatic as the universities provide the opportunity to collaborate with world-class researchers, research institutes and global industrial advisors. The federal government is already contributing 3% of its gross domestic product in research and development which is intended to be increased by 3.5% by 2030. Over 730 courses are taught in english among 1400 course. Almost 35% of the students studying in Germany is from all over the world. All these initiatives and opportunities motivated me to choose German as my higher educational destination.

Making new friends easily and not being stressed up in hard times is the brightest part of my personality spectrum. During my undergraduate, I planned and took part in organizing most of the class parties, picnics, and tours. I try cope up with any surrounding situations rather left it behind. All together I would like to say, I am friendly, stable, enthusiastic, well planner and try to be punctual and diligent to my duties and a dreamer.

I am looking forward to attending Technical University of Kaiserslautern. I hope I will be able to contribute to your department through my knowledge, skills and passion.

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