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Name: Duyen Nguyen
Joined: Jun 1, 2019
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From: Vietnam

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Jun 1, 2019
Writing Feedback / IELTS writing task 2 - investment in science subjects is essential for development [3]

Government should invest in teaching science rather than in other subjects

TOPIC: Some people think the government should invest in teaching science rather than in other subjects for country development and progress. To what extent do you agree?

Below is my writing (292 words)

Some argue that science education should be invested rather than remaining subjects to progress the development of a country. In my opinion, though science subjects are the key to development, other subjects also play a vital role in sustainable development. Therefore, I only partially agree with the above argument.

On the one hand, science subjects like mathematics, physics, chemistry, and technology benefit the advancement of a country undoubtedly. The innovations of technology are witnessed everywhere. Many discussions and conferences on the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and the future of biotechnology lead the governments to pay more and more attention to science education. Hence, investment in science subjects are obviously necessary and worthy for the country and also the entire world.

On the other hand, subjects in language, business, and personal development are also beneficial for the growth of society, in term of sustainable development. Language training specifically supports global communication from which one country can gain a better connection to one another to share mutual interests and development strategies. A well-invested business training program will educate business insiders with professional trading skill sets who will know how to run a business with less risk of bankruptcy and better commitment to the trading policy. Additionally, a person who was well-trained by personal development courses will perform better in all areas that they are participating in, as a result, bring positive effects on the development of the country they live in.

In conclusion, investment in science subjects is essential for development; however, the government should also spend a proper portion for other subjects to acquire a progressive development sustainably.
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