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Posts by HOANG17
Name: TRAM
Joined: Aug 30, 2019
Last Post: Aug 30, 2019
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Aug 30, 2019
Writing Feedback / Life is an adventurous journey that one cannot predict any obstacles having in the future. [2]

Some people think that planning for future is waste of time

Life is an adventurous journey that one cannot predict any obstacles having in the future. Therefore, planning upcoming activities for one's dream is always necessary. That could be a good preparation for one's old age. In my opinion, it is not a waste of time to think about one's future.

Sometimes, financial planning for old age is the anxiety of many people. As we know that the span of life can be longer, but the working time is limited at the age of 55 for women and 60 for men. Therefore, one need financial preparation for his retirement. If one were older, he could not have earned more money. At that time, one could have to face with hospital charge and medical bill accompanying to weakness and infirmity. Besides, we need spend more on commuting and hiring assistants to help in the house.

On the other side, every ones have ever thought about future plans such as getting marriage, building their own small family at least once time. When ones have already family, they would have to spend more expense for the outside activities such as camping, travelling or the education of their children and help their children until they can earn money. Therefore, if we bought life insurance and planned for future life, I think that, they could be happy with their children and even grandchild in their period of old age.

It is imperative that people plan wisely for the future. If one has saved enough money, one could sit back and enjoy peace and comfort in ones later years and even witness the joy on the face of one's children. If one has not saved, the journey ahead would be dreary and dismal indeed.
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