Sep 5, 2019
Research Papers / My paper about the Vietnamese grammar [2]
This article studies mainly the grammars of the French fathers of the Foreign Missions of Paris and the grammar of Truong Vinh Ky, the first Vietnamese grammarian who was trained at the General College of Foreign Missions of Paris, aiming to show the "influence subies" of these linguistic descriptions of missionaries on 1) the description of the Vietnamese language and 2) the evolution of how Vietnamese parts of speech were conceived.
Comparison of the grammars written in Latin by Jean-Louis Taberd (1838) and Theurel (1877) and the translation of Taberd's grammar by Aubaret reveals how the Vietnamese language is described by two fathers and the adaptation of some characteristic's French grammar in the translation's version.
vietnamese-french grammar connection
This article studies mainly the grammars of the French fathers of the Foreign Missions of Paris and the grammar of Truong Vinh Ky, the first Vietnamese grammarian who was trained at the General College of Foreign Missions of Paris, aiming to show the "influence subies" of these linguistic descriptions of missionaries on 1) the description of the Vietnamese language and 2) the evolution of how Vietnamese parts of speech were conceived.
Comparison of the grammars written in Latin by Jean-Louis Taberd (1838) and Theurel (1877) and the translation of Taberd's grammar by Aubaret reveals how the Vietnamese language is described by two fathers and the adaptation of some characteristic's French grammar in the translation's version.