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Posts by Bukola
Name: Oluwabukola
Joined: Sep 7, 2019
Last Post: Sep 7, 2019
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From: Nigeria

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Sep 7, 2019
Scholarship / Chevening essay; my definition of leadership [2]

Chevening is looking for individuals who will be future leaders or influencers in their home countries

"Influential Leadership"

Upon reflecting on my definition of leadership, one word constantly comes to mind more than any other, as it describes an effective leadership- 'Influential'. Not until I was privileged to be the Class Governor of 25 adults during our 5-months training into the institution (Access Bank PLC), leadership was a term assumed as a position. There are different opinions as to what leadership should be known for, but any opinion that does not emphasize on the leader persuading the followers to achieve a common goal, would be said to be coercive. In this age where not only adults, but also children have their opinions and beliefs about contexts, deriving any result without being compassionate, understanding and persuading will prove abortive eventually. Leading by example, being authentic, encouraging collaboration and empowering others are ways in describing an "Influential Leadership".

Effective leaders know they are always being watched and are comfortable with being looked to as a role model. Pitching in where needed, being an active part of the team, demonstrating the values and traits expected, and actually doing the work others do to understand it, are all aspects of leading by example (Yoskovitz, 2007). An experience I have had with leading by example is when I founded a non-profit organisation named "Rising Legends Foundation" which aims at ensuring every child in Nigeria has access to education, regardless of the privileges and financial background. I started this independently and I had a 8a.m to 4p.m job which was very challenging as I will meet up with appointments late at nights with principals of schools and other parties to ensure a child is enrolled. At the same time, I was liaising with sponsors for proper accountability and talking to people I can refer to as team members. This act, by itself, encouraged my team members to make time out of their busy schedule and help achieve the Foundation's goal. I was able to influence all parties needed to achieve my goal because of the tireless effort and passion I had. Today, I have students successfully enrolled into schools and fully sponsored. My leadership was influential majorly because I did what others needed to do, and not sit and wait around for them to do it.

'You will never work alone' is a phrase that depicts we all need each other to achieve a goal. One who decides to walk alone can be seen as one limited in knowledge and hence, limited in results. Leadership skills without encouraging collaboration will only lead to a frustrated leadership. Vividly, I remember when I was given my project to work on as a Software Developer in Access Bank PLC. I had no prior knowledge or experience with writing any programming language and I was to work with a team of five to develop an application for the bank and out of the six of us, only two were experiences developers. We started out working independently, without checking on one another and at the end of the first two weeks, we had succeeded in doing the same thing when we could have completed the project within the same timeline. I was devastated as this was the first project I was overseeing and I wanted to make an impression, I spoke with senior colleagues who advised that I call a meeting and encourage us to work together and learn from one another. Heeding to the advise made the project seemed like I was an experienced developer and got my team to win the 'Most Innovative Project' in my Department.

Great leaders unleash the leader within each person, liberating them to use their own power. The peak of being an influential leader is when others can assume your role as a leader and achieve greater results. As a way of making ends meet after college, I became an home tutor for different students. My hallmark then was to ensure that all my students can pass all forms of examinations even in my absence. Not only did I teach the students academically, I also acknowledged their strengths, worked on their weaknesses and taught them on how to learn and read by themselves with little or no contribution. The gratitude came when the students got into college and did not have to depend on anyone or wait till there is a failure before putting their best to becoming the best.

In conclusion, I believe a leader has truly assumed the leadership role when he or she has been able to influence others to achieve a common goal. Apart from the results that will be derived, the inner joy gotten from seeing followers become a better leader due to your impact is inexplicable. I intend to use these skills to make impact in whatever way possible.
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