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Posts by nacer4444
Joined: Oct 6, 2009
Last Post: Oct 9, 2009
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From: algeria

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Oct 8, 2009
Writing Feedback / globalization and civil-military relations [3]

This is an essay for next week, as i wrote above i must write about how and why globalization might shape civil-military relations, i will just send the introduction, please give me some comments and also advices.

Globalisation is a phenomenon that involves and reach many domains, since its begening it gained on importance and has been accelerated by advances in information and communication technology, every day we debate about its issues and consequences, if it will help us or not, but we wont talk about these topics today, we'll ruther try to discuss about how and why globalisation might shape civil-military relation.

We are living in constant changing world, we must adapt ourself to follow these changes and specially militaries, we know that military is one of the most closed domain because of its "special" tasks, the military thinks always he isn't an ordinary citizen and must be far of changing, this kind of exterior phobia has been created since the appearance of the first army. Relation between military and civil was always diffuclt and full of ambiguity, that's what it must become different.
Oct 9, 2009
Writing Feedback / globalization and civil-military relations [3]

Thank you stephen for these advices, i'll try to apply them below:

Relationship between military and civil has been already ambigious, who's lead who, who's the powerful or who is the master of its decisions. Military needs civil and vice versa, each one has a role to play, following its tasks, and the question is how to make the right relation between them. a modern and democratic state needs a performant relation, particularly in our era, the era of globalisation, we'll try to find how and why each one must be the complement of the other.

N.B: as i'm allowed to write in arabic and frensh my clauses are often too long in english
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