Jan 31, 2020
Grammar, Usage / Is a review written in the past tense or present? [2]
Hello I was wondering if a review(feedback) was written in the past tense or present so let's say I`m writing a review on google maps let's saying I`m reviewing a resturant
This is an example
I really enjoyed my time at the restuaurant the staff were so friendly their service was really good the inside of the restuaurant was stunning. The food was amazing
or is it I really enjoyed my time at the restuaurant the staff are so friendly their service is really good the inside of the restuaurant is stunning the food is amazing
Btw please correct any grammar mistakes because my grammar has always been bad I want to speak with proper grammar so that's why I`m writing this thread.
the usage of tenses in a review writing
Hello I was wondering if a review(feedback) was written in the past tense or present so let's say I`m writing a review on google maps let's saying I`m reviewing a resturant
This is an example
I really enjoyed my time at the restuaurant the staff were so friendly their service was really good the inside of the restuaurant was stunning. The food was amazing
or is it I really enjoyed my time at the restuaurant the staff are so friendly their service is really good the inside of the restuaurant is stunning the food is amazing
Btw please correct any grammar mistakes because my grammar has always been bad I want to speak with proper grammar so that's why I`m writing this thread.