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Posts by Juliee
Name: Julie
Joined: Feb 27, 2020
Last Post: Feb 27, 2020
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From: Viet Nam

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Feb 27, 2020
Writing Feedback / Ielts task 2: environment, energy, ecology [4]

Some country use fossil fuels ( coal, oil, natutural gas) as the main source of energy. However, in some countries, people are encouranged to develop alternative sources of energy ( wind envergy and solar energy). To what extend do you agree or disagree with this development.

Alternative Energy Sources

Nowadays, an increasing of people are concerned about which fuels that we should utilize and its effects. However, whether using eco-friendly energy instead of using fossil fuels in many countries are a controversial issue. I fully agree with this stance by presenting several acceptable reasons.

Firstly, it is obvious that for the environment because using alternative sources of green wound brings a range of benefits. Due to industrial development and the uncontrolled exploitation of people, it could harmful to the ecosystem and deplete natural resources, therefore, it created a large number of disasters, such as drought, global warming, air pollution. By the way, by using eco - friendly energy, people can restrict the bad influences of the environment and raise the public's green awareness. That why it is crucial for the countries to give priority to exploit green energy.

Secondly, if the governments use renewable enẻgy such as wind, hydro and solar power as the main source of energy, it could save their budget and conserve other rare powers. For instance, if a country just uses only fossil fuels like the essential power, time by time, the source of it will be over and enable they have to buy fuels from other countries with extremely expensive price.

That is not to say that we should not use fossil fuels completely. There are, of course, in some poor and developing countries, green - energy is much more precious than others and their financial is not allowed. However, the world is developing and many countries are taking steps to utilize the alternative source power.

In conclusion, using eco-friendly energy is plays a crucial role in the development and the environment of a country; meanwhile, the exploitation of fossil fuels has to be managed and limited. By doing that, we can ensure that our next generation could also harness the eco-friendly power.
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