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Name: Hung Sze Chung
Joined: Apr 12, 2020
Last Post: Apr 12, 2020
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From: Hong Kong
School: Hong Kong Polytechnic University

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Apr 12, 2020
Writing Feedback / The huge numbers of jobs could be substituted by robotic devices - Task 2 [2]

Writing Task 2, Artificial Intelligent Robots

Topic: some people believe that eventually all jobs will be done by artificial intelligent robot, what is your opinion?

Artificially robots are increasingly replacing the humans in the job market. Most well-structed jobs can be completed by robots; However, part of the jobs cannot be done because the robot is lack of sense of humanity. (Although the possibilities to replace jobs is quite high, there some jobs especially those which require human relations that cannot be replaced.) This essay is going to explain the reason that robots can handle most part of the structed jobs but can't handle those job requires sense of humanity.

Robots are able to be programmed and designed to handle the well-structure job by following certain rules and standard.
(Robot could completely the task well by following the strict rules and instruction.) It reduces the human-errors and its never get tired of work for providing a more accurate and efficient service. For example, the artificial intelligent server in restaurant timely delivered the meal to the right table to avoid missing any orders. That could prevent any possibilities of customer's complaint caused by late delivery. For these reasons, the usage of robots will be widely applied in the future job market.

However, certain jobs which requires a sense of humanity can not be replaced by robot. Between black and white, there is always the grey area in our daily task at work. Those work tasks cannot be done by just following the rules, as it needs the emotion and feeling to make the correct decision for achieving better job results. For example, judges in court are impossible to be replaced by any artificial machines. That needs his/her own experience and perceptions to evaluate the potential defendant guilty or not. Thus, creating a set of unique jobs can't not replace by robot.

In conclusion, even though the huge numbers of jobs could be substituted by robotic device, the jobs with the needs of human communicate still survive in the job market. Eventually, robots could totally support most of our needs in daily life by serving us anywhere. (Despite the fact that we are living in an advanced technological world, I still believe that artificial intelligence cannot do some human jobs.)
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