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Name: Ishan Kaplish
Joined: Apr 25, 2020
Last Post: Apr 26, 2020
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From: Australia
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Apr 26, 2020
Writing Feedback / To what extent should people try to have a good work-life balance? [2]

It has been noted that many people who had a big impact on the world gave themselves completely to their work and did not bother with the idea of "work-life balance". To what extent should people try to have a good work-life balance?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." We have all heard of this saying during our childhood by teachers or parents educating us about the importance of having a good balance between studies and plat-time. As we grow into adults this translates into having a good work-life balance. However, history has recorded that in order to have any kind of impact on the world, individuals must abandon the idea of work-life balance. In this essay we will discuss the extent to which people should try to have a good work-life balance.

Before the world was gripped by the coronavirus epedemic, I used to be employed as a Restaurant Manager in a 5* hotel. I used to work 12-14hrs shifts 6 days a week. I got promoted within a year of graduating and was one of the youngest managers in the company and was recognised as a rising star. There was absolutely no concept for a work-life balance as I believed that that would only slow my progress.

It was during the forced lockdown, I realised the adverse affects my work had on my health. My erratic eating habits had rendered me extremely unfit. While I used to love reading fiction books, I couldn't remember last time I finished one. My once vibrant social life was now non-existent having lost contact with most of my college friends and I spoke to my family only once a month.

Many notable personalities who have made a mark on the world over the years having been very vocal about having a good work-life balance. Bill Jobs recently explained in his book that in-order to win the race on having any kind of impact on the world you first need to be able to finish the race.

I would like to conclude by another quote "A healthy mind is a wealthy mind." While it is essential to work hard and be deternined, one must not forget the other important things in life and always maintain a good work-life balance.
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