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Posts by Victor Nguyen
Name: Nguyen Xuan Thang
Joined: Jun 16, 2020
Last Post: Jul 20, 2020
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From: Viet Nam
School: UEH

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Victor Nguyen   
Jul 20, 2020
Writing Feedback / IELTS SPEAKING PART 2 - Describe a job you would not like to do in the future [4]

Hi guys, please tell me your ideas about my answer. I'm really both happy and grateful for all of comments

Describe a job you would not like to do in the future

Well, a job I would not like to do in the future is singer. There are many reasons why I would not like to do this job. First of all, beginner singers have to practice enough to be comfortable singing in front of people. They have to take care of their vocal cords to make sure their voice is as good as it can be. Honestly, I really feel sick and tired of practising my voice every day.The weapon of singer's success in my view, is good looks and charisma combined with catchy songs along with a good marketing team. In fact, I don't have anything of them. Additionally, I am overwhelmed by the massive crowds and I feel claustrophobic in crowds of people.

Furthermore, loud music made my hearts beat faster and blood pressure go up. When A famous singer decide to hold a concert in a region and it quickly become a major news story, covered in all of our media from newspapers to TV, and most radio channels.

Actually, I don't like to be famous person because the negative news about me on news channels and in newspapers has a negative influence. I always think of it to be stressful and pressurizing .As a matter of fact, I personally never had keen interest in the musical field.

In conlusion, I also think that such stressful jobs are not meant for everyone as it will also affect one's personal life. The negative environment at the work place can also alter one's psyche. Therefore, a profession that would be my last choice would certainly not be the job of a well-known singer.
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