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Posts by younelsnuk3
Name: younel snuk
Joined: Aug 5, 2020
Last Post: Aug 5, 2020
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Aug 5, 2020
Letters / Task1- You are a member of an organisation which meets regularly at a particular restaurant. [2]

You are a member of an organisation which meets regularly at a particular restaurant. The most recent meal you had there was not satisfactory.

Write a letter to the manager of the restaurant.

In your letter
explain why you are writing
describe what went wrong with the meal and service
suggest what the manager should do to ensure that you and your group return to the restaurant
You do NOT need to write any addresses.
Begin your letter as follows:

Dear Mr. Petrova,

I am writing as an assistant director of forbest ltd to provide the feedback for our unexpected recent-experience at your hotel. Being the regular customer of your hotel, we have already been treated with good enough service and tasty food but our recent experience was a little unpleasant.

Let me explain the situation, we had an usual fine experience throughout the morning meeting until the lunch started. A number of team-members complained about the soup being salty and the bread accompanying stale. Not only this, some also pointed out to the half-cooked meat, which was totally unexpected and displeasing.

Since we already had superb experiences in the past, I believe, the issue that we faced recently should be a result of carelessness or absence of staff, which should be tackled easily. As an customer, I can only recommend you to ask your cook to use less salt, serve fresher bread and cook the meat well. This should be enough to tackle all our complaints and I am sure our group would be more than willing to return.

I look forward for your response.

Yours Sincerely,

Younel Snuk
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