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Posts by fitriice
Name: Fitri Indah Cahyani
Joined: Oct 19, 2020
Last Post: Oct 26, 2020
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Oct 26, 2020
Scholarship / Bring positive changes to the team, Leadership Chevening Essay [3]

describing my Leadership abilities

A good leader is the one who brings positive changes to the team. Those positive changes that will bring good outcome for the squad and company as well.

Changes can start from anyone on the team. I began my career as a UX Researcher in a startup company at the end of 2016. Working as the first UX Researcher in the company challenged me to introduce my role on the team. Some teammates were unfamiliar with my part since it's new in the company, so I decided to present UX Research and how UX Researcher contributes to product development through some sharing sessions. Previously, the team developed products based on stakeholder assumptions without considering user behavior, leading to useless products. I want to show them that UX Research is an essential part of successful outcomes by sharing my studies. After some sharing sessions, some reached me to discuss and even consulted about product flows and design. The sharing sessions and conversations enlighten the team, especially the product and engineering team, about our user behavior and even push the mobile development team to make a huge revamp on our mobile applications in solving user problems. That was the first time product development driven by user insights.

The next challenge came when my product design team grew slightly from 2 members in 2018 to 3 members at the beginning of 2020, but the engineering team grew so fast, from around 20 to 40 members in the same time frame. Significant engineering team growth effect on increasing product design team workload makes the product team have to make adjustments since it led to inefficient and ineffective processes if workflow remained the same. I started the discussion with the product design team to adjust the workflow by making a new bi-weekly meeting called product grooming, attended by the product manager, UI/UX designer, and UX researcher. Hopefully, this session makes the product design team deliver excellent product design by communicating the product design team capability. And to ensure that this communication continues, I set a bi-weekly schedule for a product grooming session in Google Calendar to ensure everyone allocates the time, never miss the session. The product grooming session enables my product design team to communicate the workload we can afford to our product manager that drives him to set product development priority.

My initiatives on sharing my research result in the team cultivate a user-behavior-driven mindset on the product development process. It ends up some of them considering how the user will use the product while developing the product. Besides, starting a discussion to do a product grooming session brings the product design team a bearable workload with an immense engineering team. The positive changes that happen after some initiatives I took encouraged me to improve my leadership and influence skills. Becoming a Chevening scholar will foster my leadership and influence skill in bringing more positive changes to my surroundings.
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