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Posts by Davidaguilark
Name: David
Joined: Mar 13, 2021
Last Post: Mar 13, 2021
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From: Venezuela
School: Universidad de los Andes

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Mar 13, 2021
Undergraduate / I'm able to understand how far I can go and the effort that it requires; UGRAD Program participation [2]

The Global UGRAD Program is for young leaders committed to serving their home communities.

Why would you be a great participant in the Global UGRAD Program?

It was more than six years ago that I managed to climb the highest mountain in my country. He was too young at the time to understand how much difficulty that feat had been. But thanks to this, I have been able to understand how far I can go and the effort that it requires. One of the things that has always been a challenge for me has been my Systems Engineering career. As a young man I always wanted to study a field related to ecology and the environment, but due to unfortunate events I ended up studying something very different.

It was thus, as understanding that my university life would revolve around computers and control circuits, I had to keep my ecological spirit alive. Therefore, my extracurricular activities were always related to environmentalism and conservationism. So, I became a volunteer for the Venezuelan Scout Association and I also belong to two ecological groups at my university. Together with them I have organized many community service activities. One of the most important activities that I have been able to organize has been the reforestation of a forest where a great fire occurred some time ago, this activity was a challenge for me and the results were better than expected, as we managed to gather 23 protection organizations environmental to plant 5000 trees in three days. This activity allowed me to understand that even without studying in the field of environmental sciences, I can improve the environment and promote this type of activity.

On the other hand, the difficulty in my career was still as high as that mountain that I climbed long ago. Programming was the most difficult course for me, which made me constantly consult with the teachers and tutors of the course. It is here where I began a more practical study and with the help of my teachers, I developed my first formal program, it was an automated information system for the Scout Association of Venezuela. For its development, I used a Python How to language for the back end, HTML, CSS and Javascript for the front end and MySQL for the database. This is how I began to apply the knowledge of my career to solve problems within my field of study, computer science.

So, I got involved in community service with my new skills. One of the following projects was the development of a program for the control of results of a public clinical laboratory that operates in my community. Since then, all the information that began to be handled in the laboratory began to be virtual and people were attended much faster.

The further I advance in my career, the more ways I discover to help my environment. That is why by studying a semester without a degree with the Global UGRAD program, I improve my knowledge in my field of study, at the same time that the cultural exchange will enrich my global vision to help others. Likewise, allow me to share my ideas with others to understand the way different people live and find ways to help them.
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