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Posts by kartstar113
Name: Kartik Patel
Joined: Mar 27, 2021
Last Post: Mar 27, 2021
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From: New Zealand
School: Lindisfarne

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Mar 27, 2021
Writing Feedback / NZ International businesses - Is this a well thought out Introduction and Thesis Statement [2]

Hello Team.

Just wondering if you can help with this problem I'm having with my introduction, as I'm having difficulty telling if it a well thought out intro/thesis statement

The Essay Question was

Outline the main features of the development of globalisation since the 1980s.

What implications do these developments have for NZ international businesses?

What are the main features of the development of globalisation since the 1980s

How do these development have a affect for NZ International businesses


International Businesses
New Zealand

Here my attempt

With every century that passes, people across the globe get closer together in an ever-changing global integration process that seems to grow faster with every year. As technology accelerates at breakneck speed, the various sectors of the world become more interdependent. "Multinational corporations manufacture products in many countries and sell them to consumers around the world. Money, technology and raw materials are moving ever faster across national borders" (globalpolicy.org). Nevertheless, it is not only those tangible elements that quickly transcend borders: ideas, rituals, and cultures cross boundaries rapidly, and so that more policies and social movements develop on the international stage. The globalisation of today is not the globalisation of 70 years ago. Much of 20th-century globalisation directly relates to the Industrial Revolution and the transportation of goods across borders (Baldwin, 2018). The development of globalisation has many features that have been made since the 1980s. The emerging trends that contributed include the interconnection in the sense of markets, consumer tastes, and how finance is done. The strong influence of technology is a vital development that has to affect New Zealand (NZ) international business. Firstly, this essay will discuss the main features of the development of globalisation since the 1980s. Lastly, the implications that these developments have for NZ international businesses.

Please Respond
Thank you

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