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Posts by Tran Thi Linh [Suspended]
Name: TrầnThị Linh
Joined: Jun 5, 2021
Last Post: Jun 7, 2022
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From: Viet Nam
School: Yen Hung high school

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Tran Thi Linh   
Jun 6, 2022
Writing Feedback / Task 2: academic writing: what factors affect food choices [3]

Task 2:
Most people are not interested in how their food has been produced.They only care about how much it costs.

How true is this statement? What influences people when they buy food?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Overtime, a wide range of food products are supplied in markets or shops to adapt daily needs, which influences food choices. In other words, individuals have different attitudes toward food and food options when they go shopping. Some people make their decision depending on their lifestyle and financial situation, while others consider quality and food production methods as well as geographic location. I believe that there are some reasons affecting food choices and the following essay will support my opinions with evidence why people decide to purchase food differently.

Most people shop to fit their lifestyle. In particular, those who are engaged at work, their options are fast food, pre-cooked or packaged food because they worry about time. However, large families frequently consider a meal which is suitable for their income due to the fact that they have to balance their finances and shop for a number of members with little money. As a result, they are interested in special offers- two for the price of one.

On the other hand, those who have plenty of time choose food carefully and are concerned about a range of aspects including quality and food production. Some people are in favor of food which has popular certified labels related to country origin, reliable production company, traditional products, or protected geographical indication. Freshness of food is also an essential criterion when people choose food for their meal. In other words, they usually purchase fresh vegetables, fruits, or meat in wet markets where food is produced locally or shop in supermarkets where food is properly preserved in specified time.

In conclusion, factors such as finance, lifestyle, food production and quality affect food choices. Although some people look at price prior to quality, others have little interest in these things and will spend a considerable amount of money on food to satisfy their needs and beliefs.

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