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Posts by nguyenhi
Name: nguyen
Joined: Jul 8, 2021
Last Post: Jul 8, 2021
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From: Viet Nam
School: Song Cong

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Jul 8, 2021
Writing Feedback / People living in large cities are suffering many issues every day. What kind of issues? [3]

writing task 2 problems-solutions

People living in large cities today face many problems in their everyday life. What are these problems?
Should governments encourage people to move to smaller regional towns?

t is claimed that people who live in cities have suffered many issues every day. I believe that moving them to less populated towns is the best method for solving some serious issues that have arisen.

There are two primary problems that residents often face within their daily life. The first one is that citizens can easily get into mental health trouble such as stress, depression. Because they usually work hard all day in a competitive environment and also less contact with their family or friends. The second one is that the population in cities is increasing rapidly. As a result, this tendency leads to the demand for accommodations, employment, and construction.

Therefore, measures must be taken by governments to change negative questions. It is believed that governments should advise citizens to come to smaller towns because of its benefits. Firstly, in towns, they do not have to live in a tough environment which impacts their health. Besides, the local people are very friendly, and they will have more real relations. Secondly, smaller will give them more opportunities because there are fewer populated than cities.

In addition, I strongly believe that governments should move people to smaller areas to tackle problems.
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