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Posts by ngominhkhoa
Name: Ngo Minh Khoa
Joined: Aug 9, 2021
Last Post: Aug 9, 2021
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From: Viet Nam
School: nguyen huu huan

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Aug 9, 2021
Writing Feedback / Some people regard video games as harmless fun, or even as a useful educational tool. Others... [2]

the hazards of video games reflect the possible advantages

Video games have become increasingly popular among the youth in recent years.I firmly hold the view that the benefits pale in comparison with the drawbacks that this trend provides.

On the one hand, video games have the potential to be both enjoyable and educational. Users, often known as gamers, are transported into virtual worlds which are frequently more interesting and engaging than real-life activities.From an academic perspective, computer games encourage creative thinking, and also focus, logical reasoning, and problem - solving skills, all of which are transferable abilities outside the computer setting. Additionally, computer simulation games have been found to increase players' motor abilities and prepare them for real-world activities such as piloting a plane.

In any case, I would contend that these advantages are offset by the disadvantages. Gaming can be exceptionally habit-forming on the grounds that clients are continually given scores, new targets and continuous prizes to keep them playing. Numerous youngsters currently go through hours every day attempting to advance through the levels of a game or to get a higher score than their companions. This sort of habit can have impacts going from absence of rest to issues at school, when schoolwork is forfeited for a couple of more hours on the PC or control center. The ascent in heftiness lately has additionally been connected to some degree to the stationary way of life and absence of activity that regularly go with gaming enslavement.

All in all, it seemed to me that the hazards of video games reflect the possible advantages.
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