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Posts by messilyass
Name: Ilyass El Mesbahi
Joined: Sep 29, 2021
Last Post: Sep 29, 2021
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From: Morocco
School: les écoles scientifiques

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Sep 29, 2021
Undergraduate / My background and identity - I'm from Morocco - country with people attached to their traditions [4]

MIT Essay : Cultural Background and Identity.

Morocco is a country situated on the northern side of Africa. Being an Arabic country colonized by France and Spain, the Moroccan lifestyle resembles more to the European lifestyle than the African one even though its people are conservative and attached to their traditions. This cultural mix helped me get fluent in Arabic, Moroccan Arabic, French, and English. I was born in Marrakech and spent most of my life in Temara, a city near the capital. Since I was a child I was always taught to be respectful and solve problems with logic rather than emotions thanks to my dad who always accepted my arguments and tried to convince using logic rather than giving me arbitrary orders.

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