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Posts by bushranajeeb
Name: bush
Joined: Jan 18, 2022
Last Post: Jan 19, 2022
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Jan 19, 2022
Letters / Motivation Letter for Imaging and Lighting in Extended Reality Programme (Erasmus Mundus) [2]


Give a concise description on your motivation in participating in Master or Science IMLEX: *

Why should you be selected to this programme?
What can this programme give to you? Especially the mobility in Europe and in Japan?
What are your objectives?
Why do you want to study in the IMLEX programme?


My journey of Image processing started during my Final year of Engineering when I created an Eye Movement and Head Gesture Controlled Wheelchair for the patients of quadriplegia. Ever since then, I had been looking for options to learn and explore in the field of Artificial Intelligence. I started out with "Python for Everybody" Specialization on Coursera and ended up completing "Machine Learning by Stanford University" Course by Mr. Andrew N.g. This course provided me the foundational knowledge of Machine Learning which is needed to analyze which algorithm is needed for a specific set of problem. I now work as Machine Learning Engineer at Hackerspace Karachi. I also create computer vision and Machine Learning projects on Fiverr as a Freelancer because this gives me a chance to put my skills into practice and communicate with people from different parts of the world. Since most of the knowledge that I have gained is through online courses and research papers on the internet, the idea of actually meeting professionals and work in the finest research labs of Finland and Japan makes me extremely thrilled.

If there is one thing that Covid'19 has taught me during the pandemic, it's that the world has complex, new, and ever-growing problems. Problems that require people from different fields such as medicine, engineering, psychology to come together and help people survive. I believe that Virtual reality (VR) technology has the possibility to mitigate many of the challenges brought about by the pandemic. Hence, by enrolling in the Imaging and Light in Extended Reality (IMLEX) program offered by Erasmus Mundus Scholarship, I would be able to expand my horizon and dig deeper into solving high level complex problems through combination of AI and VR.

I find myself fit for this program, not only because I have the required prerequisites but because I have the ability to interact well with people from different cultural background. My freelancing profile is quite evident of how well I have communicated with clients from different countries. Even in corporate sector, I am often known as a person who never shies away from putting her opinions on the table. Public speaking has always been my key strength. From leading a small team as Team Leader in FYP to leading a team of 120 engineers as the President of departmental society, I have had my ways of getting along with teams.

With that being said, I hope that I made a strong for my consideration in the International highly prestigious programme. Ending this letter with a dream of a thriving, fulfilling career ahead of me.

Thank you!
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