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Name: mohamed boudjoghra
Joined: Jan 29, 2022
Last Post: Jan 29, 2022
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From: Algeria
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Jan 29, 2022
Letters / Motivation letter for the erasmus mundus program in green networking and cloud computing [2]

Dear Members of the selection committee,

Currently doing my fifth year in control systems and automation at the National Polytechnic School, I am writing to express my deep interest in applying for the green networking and cloud computing program. I'm thrilled at the opportunity to show my technical expertise and my leadership as part of the GENIAL program.

Thanks to my internship at the oil and gas company SONATRACH, I developed an interest in specializing in the cloud computing and green networking field to make the Algerian industry safer and more productive by using a more developed and energy-efficient production tracking system. My supervisor told me a story about a massive explosion on my first day because the workers were spending a national holiday at their homes. Only a few remained to monitor the production process. Hence, an alarm for a gas leak escaped their sight, and the calamity occurred. After I researched the internet, I also discovered that several explosions happened in Algeria, such as the one that happened in the SONATRACH plant located in Skikda province in 2004. Hopefully, robotics and cloud computing can prevent such accidents. At the same time, robots collect data from every zone in the industrial site; a server can help analyze them and notify all workers of any potential risk via a smartphone app. In July 2020, I attended an online summer university for advanced computing organized by the Algerian American Foundation, where I learned some general knowledge about cloud computing, IoT, and artificial intelligence. But more importantly, I became more interested in specializing in the field of cloud computing.

Since my starting days as a university student, I have been passionate about programming and robotics. After two years of preparatory classes and passing the national competition for engineering schools, in which I ranked third out of 1037 students, I enrolled in a three-year program in the field of control systems and automation in September 2019. Throughout the years, I gained practical experience in sensors, communication protocols like ETHERNET and PROFIBUS, and programmable logic controllers from my internships at SONATRACH and GICA. I built an Arduino-based autonomous robot by implementing odometry, obstacle avoidance, and control algorithms in C++. Furthermore, I worked on an agriculture-specialized autonomous drone to get hands-on experience in flight controllers and communication protocols, namely UART and I2C. Additionally, I did a 1-month theoretical study on visual localization to understand the theory behind indoor localization of a drone using a px4flow sensor connected to a pixhaw4, which will help me finish my graduation project on Visual simultaneous localization and mapping on lie groups. As a volunteer, I started a scientific department as a member of the Vision and Innovation Club, where we organized Arduino sessions and a robotics competition we named SPARK Polymaze.

This multi-cultural environment offered by the GENIAL consortium is the perfect place to sharpen my theoretical and practical skills in Cloud computing and the green networking domain. With the knowledge gained throughout the first semester about green networking and IoT at Lorraine University, I will understand how cross-linked sensor actuator systems can communicate with minimal energy to achieve sustainability. Understanding data analytics, visualization, and intelligent systems in the second semester at Leeds Beckett University will allow me to learn effective ways to interpret and represent data. Furthermore, understanding data center-related operations at the Lulea University of Technology in the third semester will help me contribute to industry 4.0 by creating an energy-efficient production tracking system using green networking through a master's thesis at one of the consortium's partners, Which I plan to transfer to the Algerian industry.

The Erasmus program is an exceptional opportunity to communicate with students and scholars from different cultural and professional backgrounds. This type of networking is essential for integrating different ideas and perspectives about diverse global issues. I can easily integrate into French society and help other students with my French language skills during the first semester. And with my studies and practical experience, I have a solid foundation that qualifies me for this prestigious program. Finally, I'm sure that studying at your erudite universities will qualify me to pursue my dreams and ambitions to develop the Algerian industry, and become more qualified to pursue a research career in information and communication technologies. Thank you very much for considering my application, and I am looking forward to hearing from you.
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