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Posts by nhatquynhhazel
Name: Hazel
Joined: Jul 24, 2022
Last Post: Jul 24, 2022
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From: Viet Nam
School: Hung Vuong

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Jul 24, 2022
Writing Feedback / Why it is not easy to interpret the concept of happiness and what can contribute to a contentment? [2]

Happiness is considered very important in life.

Why is it so difficult to define? What factors are important in achieving happiness?

Happiness has been regarded as a lifelong purpose throughout the history of humanity. Hence, it is vitally important to live a blissful life. This essay will discuss the reason why it is not easy to interpret that concept and outline some critical elements that contribute to contentment.

The definition of happiness has remained as elusive as ever. Notably, it is mostly attributed to the distinctive perception of an individual person in different contexts. To elaborate, happiness differs from a toddler who is given new toys to a delighted mom who just gave birth to a newborn, thus it is evident that feeling joyful can vary from the trivial things that take place on a daily basis to the critical milestones in a person's life.

Despite that notion's ambiguity and abstraction, there are several key elements which facilitate a sense of well-being. First and foremost, gratitude appears to be the essential foundation for the state of being fulfilled. Specifically, when people feel grateful for what they have at the moment, they might live passionately in every aspect of their life with satisfaction. That could be a little moment with serenity, a random beautiful day or merely a tiny favor that others do. Moreover, happiness is always hiding in plain sight. Although small things happening on a daily basis could be conceived as mundane as people usually overlook them, these little details contribute to the way people view the world outside every day. Consequently, they will bring about the frequent feeling of contentment and peace inside.

To conclude, in spite of the fact that defining happiness is quite a challenging task because it is exclusive to an individual, people can also find it in every quotidian thing and every little moment in their life. Moreover, happiness is not a goal to reach, it is hidden beauty waiting to be discovered.
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