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Posts by ayeshaarshad95
Name: Ayesha Arshad Arain
Joined: Dec 11, 2022
Last Post: Dec 11, 2022
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From: Germany
School: University of Potsdam

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Dec 11, 2022
Letters / Cover letter for Astrophysics PhD application ( Exoplanets) [2]

applying for Master of Science in Astrophysics

I am writing to express my great interest in your advertised PhD project in the area of Star-Exoplanet systems. I am a candidate for Master of Science in Astrophysics at the University of Potsdam. I have finished all of my exams except one and expect to graduate in August 2023. I would like to continue my academic career with this project as a PhD student. My motivation to study star-exoplanet systems developed in my bachelors while working on my final year project about exoplanets. This interest was further reinforced after taking the course "The Astrophysics of Exoplanets" offered by you. I was fascinated by the research happening in the area of exoplanet atmospheres and how different parts of electromagnetic spectrum provides us with a diverse range of information.

Throughout my academic path, I have chosen to expand my knowledge and experience through a number of online courses and workshops but with regards to the position I am applying for, I would like to mention the two most significant ones. First, an online course where I learned rudimentary analysis of X-ray data of high energy sources using DS9 software and related astronomical concepts. This provided me with a basic introduction to data visualization that later came in handy while working with photometric data in different instances during my master studies. Second, is the workshop on observational techniques, where I, not only learned the analysis of astronomical data but also because it provided me with an initial exposure of how research is done in observational astrophysics like planning observing runs, selecting targets using data mining techniques and also introduced me to a range of astronomical softwares especially learning to analyze data to search for binary companions in observed stars using cross correlation method to find the change in radial velocity with IRAF and SPAS software.

This workshop proved to be a catalyst for my decision to work on evolved stars in my master project; a topic close to my heart second to exoplanets. I am working with a sample catalogue of hot subluminous stars with good parallaxes. The experience gained from the workshop has proven to be beneficial for my graduate project in helping me to become proficient at data visualization and analysis in TOPCAT and has helped to polish my problem-solving skills. Apart from this, being a part of an international research group has helped me to develop the soft skills necessary for modern-day collaborations. But the most crucial thing that I have learned from this project is patience and determination needed to continue the work, a factor which I believe plays a key role in preparing to become an independent researcher.

I believe, my experience in astronomical research and flexibility to learn new techniques makes me an ideal match. In the future, I imagine myself as a well-equipped, and up-to-date astrophysicist. For this reason, joining your research group for this project will provide me with an invaluable opportunity to accomplish this goal. Thank you very much for considering my request. I look forward to hearing from you.
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