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Posts by anukk
Name: anuk
Joined: Jan 9, 2023
Last Post: Jan 9, 2023
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From: mongolia
School: oros3

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Jan 9, 2023
Undergraduate / "The lesson of hard work and persistence" - personal statement [2]

write a personal statement with a focus on what you learned from

During the years I have spent in school there were many memorable lessons I have learned. But these two, in particular, influenced me the most.

One. "The lesson of hard work and persistence". I have tried for three years consequently to get into the student council. After getting rejected two times I was on the verge of giving up. With every rejection, an improvement came in return. Finally, I got in on my third try. The lesson I learned was that hard work actually does pay off. For your dream to succeed you have to work, failures are the essence of achievement.

Two. "The definition of disability". Since the time I founded my club, I have learned a lot. However, this is the most crucial lesson I comprehended "disability is never within a person, it is within poor living conditions". Disability occurs when basic human needs can't be fulfilled. For example, a wheelchair user can't get into the supermarket because of the unstandardized stairs. This is also one of the reasons I want to become an engineer. I want to build a place where everyone's living conditions are thought of.
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