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Posts by sisixixi
Joined: Dec 7, 2009
Last Post: Dec 7, 2009
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Dec 7, 2009
Undergraduate / "My very own song" Common App Essay about my life as an exchange student [6]

Hey, I really loved your essay. Your story reminded me of my friend, another German exchange student I met in 2007 haha.

However, I think you could cut down on some of the admission steps of AFS. Instead of listing every process maybe you could detail on one or two of them. This way you can save the word count for more of the transformation that the exchange experience had brought to you. Well you do have that part in your essay but it seems a little bit hurried and not so well detailed... at least to me... Maybe give a specific example or so.

I don`t know, I am just another college applicant and I am not a native speeker either, just so you know. ^_^ Hope my comment helps~

Good Luck!!
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