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Posts by punjabiboyz1995 [Suspended]
Joined: Dec 30, 2009
Last Post: Dec 30, 2009
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From: United States of America

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Dec 30, 2009
Undergraduate / 'well-known mechanical engineer' - lehigh university supplement [3]

As you researched and visited colleges and universities, why did you decide to apply to Lehigh? Please give specific reasons. What contributions will you make during your time at Lehigh?

A major research university, a small class size, great job after college and a memorable college experience describes the college that I want to attend and Lehigh University fits this description perfectly. With a prestigious and world renowned engineering program, I can fulfill my dream in becoming a well-known mechanical engineer. Not only will I be studying, but at the same time with a 150 clubs and organizations to choose from, I can have a fun time on campus interacting with new personalities and experiencing new things. But what really caught my attention about Lehigh University was that every time I looked for great engineering colleges in the nation, Lehigh always happened to be that list. But the list that most impressed me was that Lehigh University was in the top ten list of best engineering colleges by salary potential, which captured my attention immensely. As my interest was further, I read student reviews and as one mechanical engineering student put it in "Best combination of academics, athletics, and social life possible" and others student writing "dream school" and "best school in the entire world", I was compelled to put Lehigh University on the top of my college list. Not only will Lehigh University give me a world class education, but I can be a positive and active influence inside the Lehigh Community. I will be an active participator in clubs, organizations, and take up leadership roles in Lehigh and diversify Lehigh. I firmly believe that Lehigh would be the perfect place for me to excel and grow.

please give your honest feedback and correct any errors...thank you very much
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