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Posts by dduks
Joined: Dec 30, 2009
Last Post: Dec 30, 2009
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Dec 30, 2009
Undergraduate / "My dream and influence at Pitzer" -- Pitzer Prompt [2]

Pitzer College was founded in 1963, the same year Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his famous "I Have A Dream" speech, which had a fundamental impact upon our nation and the world. Reflecting on Pitzer's core values (intercultural understanding, social responsibility, interdisciplinary emphasis and student autonomy), what is your dream for your time at Pitzer and how will that influence you to make a positive impact?

Life has given me numerous opportunities to reach my goals; but it has also given me privileges to spread my arms to come across different aspects in people, culture, and exciting experiences. Through my diverse experiences in South Korea, California, and New Jersey, I plan to engage my life into the vibrant community of Pitzer College and contribute my acquaintance in applying it to the universal society. I perceive the world differently and have gained a much more positive and appreciative attitude about life. In addition, because of my father's career I have been exposed to not only of my age, but people of his age who has allowed me to widen and lengthen my knowledge of different aspects in life.

During the time in New Jersey, my experience at Merwick Care Center both made me a well-rounded person and gave me the confidence to pursue a career in the healthcare industry. I recognize, after having compared my experience with that of my peers, that it is rare for someone my age to be tapped with real-life responsibilities.

Through a patient named Gertrude, I learned compassion. Gertrude, who was African American, was in her late 40s, and I remember her as independent, fun, and talkative. As the weeks passed we became better acquainted. We had conversations that never seemed to end -- conversation about my journey as a Korean living in the United States and about her own journey. Gertrude was fascinated with butterflies, which explained the images hung from the ceiling and the small transparent containers that contained butterflies frozen in time. She explained that butterflies were her favorite species because they seemed most "free." Gertrude also imparted valuable life advice. Having noticed how reserved I was, especially when we first met, she challenged me to take advantage of all the opportunities that await me. The entire experience working at Merwick Care Center and meeting life-savvy people like Gertrude was worth every second. In addition to inspiring me to be a more mature young adult, it also transformed my views on volunteerism.

Having been in three places, I have accommodated and adapted to new teachings. Not only have I met people that were of dissimilar backgrounds and similar ones, I have encountered varying methods of schools, government and society. Not only do I use a specific method to incorporate in my studies, but I also use visuals to help me better understand the depths of studying. Therefore, I would combine my knowledge with those of other at Pitzer to advance our generation into a successful remark in society.

Pitzer College offers hundreds and thousands of majors, courses, clubs, and programs that allow a variety of students to accomplish different fields of studies and achieve certain goals made throughout their college life. The environment provides an encouraging atmosphere that would allow me to encounter many opportunities of learning and practicing skills in reality. Such preparation and education for the future would allow many students to benefit greatly before the actual play in society. As a risk taking student I am open to change myself to take advantage of all curriculums that Pitzer offers. Through intercultural understandings, social responsibilities, interdisciplinary emphasis, I am proud to say that I have created an identity.

Like a puzzle, Pitzer College cannot stand on its own. But the platform which represents the firm foundation and the pieces which symbolize the strong intellects of the school; it is Pitzer College. Looking at a puzzle piece itself, whether it may be big or small or oddly shaped, has its define meaning and character. It is not the appearance or surface that matters, but the content of what the object holds within it. Without a piece, the puzzle would not be complete. And, Pitzer is just like that. With numerous experiences and skills I attained, I would be able to interact with the diverse population. It's notable liberal arts program will create the perfect foundation for my career path.
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