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Posts by dextercath96
Joined: Jan 29, 2010
Last Post: May 26, 2010
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From: Philippines

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Apr 9, 2010
Writing Feedback / Comparison and Contrast essay: Solar power and Wind power [4]

Nice comparison between solar power and wind power. But I want the solar power generator. Because it is effective in our everyday life. Thanks RoZe10 for comparing the two. It is great that the alternative energies have different advantages.
May 26, 2010
Research Papers / Solar Power Generator - the price is important [6]

Hello guys,

I am thinking of a good alternative energy. How they are use and what are the different advantages of these sources of energy.

Well, I encountered different alternative energies such as
solar power generator which I read in sun power port.com, wind power, hydro power and different alternative sources of energy.

Can you share what are your ideas about it?
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