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Posts by coolbakr
Joined: Mar 15, 2010
Last Post: Mar 15, 2010
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Mar 15, 2010
Book Reports / "Young Goodman Brown", by Nathanial Hawthorne HELP writting essay [2]

Hey, i am not doing good in my English 102 class, my professor says i address my writing prompt in the wrong direction. So i was hoping if someone can help break down my writing prompt, and give me a direction to write my essay.

Writing Prompt:

The fictional story, "Young Goodman Brown", by Nathanial Hawthorne, as well as the essays "Time Lines" by Lewis Lapham, "Why We are Infidels" by E.L. Doctorow, and "Imagine There's No Heaven" by Salman Rushdie all address issues of belief, both religious and secular. Are the questions raised by Young Goodman Brown relevant today? Would the writers of the essays agree that they are relevant today? Tell why or why not, keeping in mind that the different essayists may have different views.

A strategy for pursuing this assignment: Consider the issues of belief raised in various readings we have had in class, including the essays "Time Lines" by Lewis Lapham, "Why We are Infidels" by E.L. Doctorow, and "Imagine There's No Heaven" by Salman Rushdie. What arguments did they make? How did they "prove" them? Can you think of counter-arguments to their thesis? What are they? Again, address these in your journals.

I don't know what are the questions raised in Young GoodMan Brown please help

The two articles i choose from the list besides GoodMan Brown is "Why We are Infidels" by E.L. Doctorow, and "Imagine There's No Heaven" by Salman Rushdie

If you can tell me what i should write about and how i should write it. It will be greatly appreciated.
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