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Posts by imEric
Joined: Mar 17, 2010
Last Post: Mar 28, 2010
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Mar 17, 2010
Research Papers / Research Proposal and Using Instrument not been Validated or Tested Reliable. [7]

Hey guys I am writing a grad. research proposal as an assignment (a quantitative research). If the instrument I am proposing to use has not been validated or tested for its reliability, then what should I do with the tool if I really want to use it? Do I need to pilot test the tool (theoretically)?


Mar 21, 2010
Research Papers / Research Proposal and Using Instrument not been Validated or Tested Reliable. [7]

Susan, your advice is very helpful and has provided direction on how I should proceed with my r. proposal :) Well I am writing a nursing proposal on RN/RPN mixing and their relationship on severity of pressure ulcer. The tool I would like to use is The Pressure Ulcer Staging Tool by NPUAP.

Anyway, I will look more into pilot testing the tool :)

Thanks again!!

Mar 23, 2010
Research Papers / Research Proposal and Using Instrument not been Validated or Tested Reliable. [7]


Kevin, you are correct about the purpose of my study and I'd like to find out if a relationship exists between the variables...

The tool has been out since 2007 but I am surprised that no studies to date have tested its validity and reliability...Well it is also very popular tool among the health care field...

Mar 24, 2010
Research Papers / how can teacher help educate parents in poverty [4]

I would do a search from Google Scholar and other peer-reviewed journal search engines (e.g., Scholar's Portal)...You can use a combination of key words such as poverty and education, and parents.

Mar 28, 2010
Writing Feedback / The legal drinking age in Ontario [4]

Where are your references to backup your statements/arguments? Is this for university?
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