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Posts by samir614
Joined: Mar 30, 2010
Last Post: Mar 30, 2010
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From: Azerbaijan

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Mar 30, 2010
Writing Feedback / university dormitories or apartments? [2]

Nowadays, many universities offer their students comfortable accommodations in order to live during their academic years. Also, some students choose apartments in community. In my persuasion, though it is different from student to student, university dormitories are more effectual for them. Because student residences are safe, propitious from financial standpoint, and collective student life.

Firstly, dormitories always are guarded against any dangerous accidents ranged from any scandals to fires. For a thing, last year, student residence of my university was suddenly assailed by a criminal. Fortuitously, two guardians of the residence banned him and the peril was blocked by them. That news penetrated all over the country, and not only my university, but also other universities began to finance safety of their student halls. After that case, now, we feel assurance that we are genuinely protected from hazards.

Secondly, university residence halls are generally cheap but good for students compared with apartment houses. For instance, my siblings study in Norway, and they live at a residence of their universities. Last year, they stayed at an apartment near the university, but the fee of house was too much higher. After the first year, my parents could not support them, so they decided to move. After some negotiations with university officials, they moved to the dormitory. Fortunately, my parents do not encountered with financial problems for backing their children's living costs.

Furthermore, students gain another advantage of student hostels which is not attainable in dwellings for rent. The mentioned benefit is collective life at dormitories where students can make a party or arrange debates. For example, we frequently (more often than not) organize celebrations, birthday parties, or academic conversations at our common residence, and spend our time enjoyable. Sometimes our group mates do not display interest to these events, because they would be weary after moving from the dormitory to their home.

Put it all together, I consider that student residences are truly convenient for students in order to study in comfortable and beneficial atmosphere. University accommodations are opportune for them, and as a student they can use dormitory service well.
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