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Posts by adepura
Joined: Apr 25, 2010
Last Post: Apr 25, 2010
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Apr 25, 2010
Graduate / Personal Statement for MSc in Petroleum Engineering [3]

Hi all, I am planned to apply for MSc in Petroleum Engineering and below is my personal statement. Please help to check and suggest any correction for my essay to help me on my application

My name is Ade Santoso, I am Indonesian, 22 years old. I graduated from University of Indonesia as B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering. Currently, I am working in Chevron Pacific Indonesia as Completion Engineer. I am very interested to pursue further study in Petroleum Engineering by taking M.Sc. Petroleum Engineering program in your university to give me deeper and broader insight about this subject. I believe my experience in Chevron Pacific Indonesia will be a great aid during my study in your university.

I always have great interest to work in petroleum industry since I was in the university because career in petroleum industry offers me a chance to support the majority energy requirement of human being since most of energy demand today is supplied by hydrocarbon products. This is the reason for me to join Chevron Pacific Indonesia as a Completion Engineer. My main responsibility is to design Completion & Work Over Program, not just to design the program but also to make sure that the program can be executed in safe, efficient and effective ways to gain maximum productivity from the well. I found that my job in Completion Engineering is very exciting because I held big responsibility for the productivity of the well, every step must be inspected to ensure it is properly in order since a small mistake can cause the productivity of the well drop significantly, for example error in determining perforation zone can cause the well only producing water instead of oil or gas. On top of all aspects, safety has to be number one consideration during work over execution because there are a lot of risks on work over program execution. To prevent unwanted incident to happen, in-charge engineers are required to have a deep understanding of safety and well control aspect, hence I have to be certified with IADC (International Association of Drilling Contractor) Well Control Accreditation Program which means I have international qualification to deliver safe work over execution.

My other invaluable experience was when I got field assignment as a Well Site Manager on rig site to directly supervise the execution of Initial Completion wells for Surfactant Injection Project, since it was one of Chevron current biggest projects today then we got all eyes watching this projects therefore everything has to be done accurately. As a Well Site Manager I become Company Representative on the rig site to lead 20 crews to deliver safe and high quality work over jobs, so the combination of technical and communication skills are very important. With both skills combined with proper planning we were successful to execute 16 Initial Completion wells for Steam Injection Project with safe, and with lower cost & rig time from the estimation. I was rewarded Chevron Recognition & Award for this achievement.

My motto in this life is "Lifetime Learning" because I always feel very excited when I got chance to learn new things. Although my education background is Chemical Engineering, I never feel that it has to be a setback for my career in this industry; instead it motivated me to learn more. On top of designing work over program in office, I also often visit rig site to get hands on experience from the field and I actively participate in a lot of technical trainings about Petroleum Engineering and I also have passion to learn about process improvement tools, certified as Lean Sigma Green Belt. I knew it was a great stepping stone when I got an opportunity to learn and implement my Lean Sigma knowledge as Lean Sigma Green Belt in my work to improve Success Ratio of Fracturing job and standardize the guideline for fracturing job by making a new SOP. In this project I want to increase average success ratio of fracturing from 60% to 97% by doing technical and Lean Sigma analysis to find the root cause of the failure and the solution, by doing this project my knowledge have been improved a lot both on technical aspect of fracturing job and on Lean Sigma process.

On my leisure time, I love to do sports, my favorite sport is swimming and golf. I also actively participate in Triathlon Competition in Chevron. By participating in sport activity not only we can exercise and keep our health, but it also boost our confidence and our spirit and enthusiasm during work

I am eager to further my study in your university majoring in Petroleum Engineering to expand my knowledge about Petroleum Engineering because I want to get the whole knowledge of this industry not only by direct application and hands on experience but also theoretical aspect behind it. I also want to open my eyes to see and learn and experience different culture and condition outside of my own country.

I am confident that I can enter into more opportunities in this industry because I always believe that there are huge of hidden opportunities out there and we just have to unlock and discover them.

Many thanks,


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