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Posts by kimhyejinia
Joined: Jul 5, 2010
Last Post: Jul 5, 2010
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From: korea republic of

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Jul 5, 2010
Undergraduate / Hhigh paying job with the risk of losing it is better - 'risk can change' [6]

thesis; It is better to have high salaries with high risks of losing a job than to have a secure job with low salaries

Some people think that because of global crisis, it is hard to get a job and in addition, a lot of people put endanger of losing their job. They might say that it is more beneficial to people having a secure but low pays job because having low pay jobs is better than being unemployment. However, I think having a high salary job with high risks of losing job is more good to people.

First, I think having a high salaries job which possess high risks of losing a job is more efficient when it come to the time consuming to earn a same amount of money. That is to say, compare to secure jobs, high salaries jobs can earn huge amount of money within a short time so because of that I think the risk of losing job is worth it to stand. And in addition, I think the risk depends on people who work for the job. If someone who have a high paying but high risk of losing jobs work harder in order not to lose a job, they can make the unstable jobs to stable job. It's like killing one stone with two birds because they can not only earn huge amount of money within a short time but also maintain their employment. So, as situation can be changed due to worker's endeavors, I think it is not adequate to choose secure but low salaries job because of the afraid of risks.

Second, sometime the risks make the worker more enthusiastic when they work. That is to say, the risk of losing job can be the driving force of work. In our society, there are some jobs which have high secure but low paying job like public officers and teachers. According to one research, those people who have a secure job with low pay usually feel somewhat boring and they even work harder than the people who have unstable jobs because of their job security. My aunt, for example, about 3 month ago, she quit her job because she realized the fact that she lost somewhat passionate in her career, government officer. She told me that she feel like being a working machine that just dealt with some simple and typical works. She decided to become a movie director which she gave up because of instability. So, as my aunt case illustrates, sometimes the stable of jobs can make people lose passionate so, it is better to having a high risk of job with high pay.

To sum up, I think having a high paying job with the risk of losing it is better because the risk can be change depend on worker's endeavor and the risk of losing job make people work harder.
Jul 5, 2010
Undergraduate / Hhigh paying job with the risk of losing it is better - 'risk can change' [6]

Thank you for replying rupjyoti bora^^
Thank you very much.
However I have a question.
what is general perception accurately?
I don't want to bother you but I really wonder it.
I tried to generalize by mentioning other people's idea, which is opposit from mind.
and what am i doing is not consider as a generalization?
i wonder it.
As i am studying alone, i have difficult with asking question and find my drawbacks.
So, i hope you to explain about my fault.
Thank you very much anyway. ^^
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