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Posts by dhartipatel027
Joined: Aug 5, 2010
Last Post: Aug 5, 2010
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From: United States of America

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Aug 5, 2010
Undergraduate / "I am determined that I can make a difference" - 2010 UCF ESSAY [4]

What qualities or unique characteristics do you possess that would allow you to contribute to the UCF community?

I am a very unique individual who has several outstanding qualities. Through out high school I have always tried my hardest, taken part in several leadership positions, and most importantly I have helped out in the community. I know that I can contribute my leadership skills and confident attitude to better the University of Central Florida community.

I may not be the 4.0 student; however, no matter what I am asked to do, I put all of my effort into the assignment. I have never let anything get in my way from being on top of my school work and my expectations at home. My friends and family all know that school has always been my number one priority. I always accomplish what I need to as soon as possible and believe that procrastinating is not worth the stress. I am a very organized student and have a lot of confidence that if I attend UCF I will be at the peak of my class.

As an individual, I believe it is extremely important to have some leadership skills when walking into an amazing university such as UCF. Leadership positions are crucial to such a large university as students may find something they love to do and feel more at home. Usually students take officer positions just for the name, however, since my freshman year of high school, I have been very involved in after school programs, not for the name, but because I enjoy being a leader. My freshman year I was in four clubs, that year I got 3rd place in Business Decision Making for Future Business Leaders of America, this allowed me to move on to the Florida State Leadership Conference in Orlando. My sophomore year I once again was involved in four clubs, this was the year I became confident in my self and knew I wanted to be a leader. I told myself I would not let anything or anyone get in my way of achieving my goals in life. I got 2nd place in Emerging Business Issues and I moved on to state. I was also the Inter- Club Counsel for Multi-Cultural Club, which I took great pride in. My junior year I ran for Junior Class Secretary along with 3 other girls. I learned a lot from this, it helped me realize that I had to stand strong and no matter what people did or said I would always keep a smile on my face, and never give up. As a result of my dedication I was awarded First Runner-Up for School Services. I soon gained the position of Junior Class Secretary along with Multicultural Secretary and National Spanish Honor Society Secretary. The whole year I was always on top of everything I was assigned, and I learned so much from it. It helped me become an extremely confident person. Now I can stand in front of a crowd without letting my nerves get to me. I also got 1st place in Emerging Business Issues and was able to go to the state Leadership conference in April. Going into senior year, I am the Multi-Cultural Club President, Nation Spanish Honor Society President and the secretary for Future Business Leaders of America. It may seem a lot on my plate, but I know for a fact I will be able to push myself and put all my effort into fulfilling my duties. Also, I plan on making it to FBLA state competition in April for my fourth year in a row. Since I know what is to be a leader, I know I can encourage more students to become leaders. I myself plan on keeping up leadership skills and becoming an even more confident individual.

No matter where I am, I am always willing to help out whoever, whenever. For the past three years I have realized how much I enjoy helping the community. I have been volunteering to help my teachers whenever they need it. Also, I have been going to school a week before classes start just to help out in the main office. When I was volunteering in the main office I helped organize packets for all of the students at my school. It made me feel good inside, because I knew I was helping the people in the main office, and I was also putting important papers for all of the students and their parents. For the past two years I have been volunteering at Bartow Teen Court. While at Teen Court I worked with other volunteers, who were my age and tried to help individuals who have made poor choices become better people. I have great pride in knowing that while volunteering I get to make new friends and also make a difference in several teen's lives. Last summer I went to a religious youth camp in Pennsylvania for two weeks. The first week was the week before camp actually started and I spent over 100 hours volunteering, helping the camp coordinators with whatever needed to be done. It made me feel really good knowing that I contributed a huge deal into making that year one of the best years of Yogi Youth Camp. While gaining such a large responsibility of leadership positions, I decided to make use of these positions by helping the community. My first year as an officer with Multi- Cultural Club I held an active roll in collecting baby baskets. These baby baskets were supplies that a mother would need for newborn for the first two weeks; these baskets were given to needy mothers. My second year, I worked very closely with the President of the club, in planning various community service projects. This had been my most active year of service as I prepared for 3 different projects. At the start of the year, I helped lead an organization of school supplies to donate to a less fortunate school in Costa Rica. Then a few months later, a Custodian Recognition Luncheon was held to recognize the custodians at George Jenkins High School, for all of their hard work and our appreciation. With my love for volunteering I know that I can help the UCF community by encouraging others to volunteer while I myself am helping out the people in need.

Overall, I am determined that I can make a difference at the University of Central Florida. I will bring my confidence, leadership skills, and school along with community spirit all with a positive attitude. I will make the University of Central Florida community proud to have a student like me attending their school.
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