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Posts by cantonistuta
Joined: Aug 21, 2010
Last Post: Mar 29, 2011
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Mar 29, 2011
Writing Feedback / A university should invest same money in athletc activities as libraries or not? [2]

question: A university should invest same money in athletc activities as libraries or not?

the university is a place which we can utilize many
facilities and do a lot activities. It is sure that there
important things or not. but when we think about whether
the universities should invest the same amount of funds
in their students' athletic activities as they invest in
their libraries, I am sure that they have to pay for
their athletic activities like the libraries because of
relationship between health and study and freedom
of selection.

People say, " good health is national power ". I think
so. the more they invest in gymnastic activities,
the more they can enjoy their works. then they can up
their stemina. there is no doubt good physical strength is
helpful to their study. also, such of those works can be
a chance to refresh their psychological environment in
their routine. suppose you have to be in the libraries
whole day studing ,it may be terrible!!!using bodies
make our blood circulationfast and providing fresh blood
into brains gives our new feeling.both circulation of the
blood and doing athletic activities are helpful to
our helth. and that will be so to their academic works.

university is not place to assure educations only about certain
subjects or fields. students in university should have
rights to select their activities accroding to their liking
for example, If university invest in libraries more , it is
nature the opportunities to choose their activities are
decreased. they strongly are required not to use physical
activities facilities. that whichever they choose is not
important. at least, whole investment should be distributed to
each areas, when whole things are ready they have real options.
therefore, to assure proper options to students, investment
for sport facilities should be invested like academic facilities.

investment to students in university is very important because
this investment is liked to the nation's future. boosting
physical activities is very important as studying in libraries
and giving chances to select their liking is too.
so I strongly believe that university must arrange their money
equally to each part of atheletic activities and libraries.
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