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Posts by hminluo
Joined: Sep 19, 2010
Last Post: Sep 19, 2010
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From: United States of America

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Sep 19, 2010
Undergraduate / Georgia Tech -what will you do if you have to delay college for one year? [2]

Some might think delaying college is a bad idea. On the other hand, it is also a good opportunity for young adults like me to get a feel of the real world. Although I want to continue from high school directly to college, if I can take a break, and delay going to college for one year, I would get a job. I believe getting a job could be a great opportunity for me to widen my view of the world and achieve higher.

School and working are similar in some ways; they are both processes of learning and achieving goals. However, there are knowledge and experience that can only be gained at work, such as leadership skill and real life experience. I would take this one year to gather experiences and get ready for all the busy college work.

I did a summer internship during the summer of my junior year; I really enjoyed working. So I am really interest in gathering more working experience. It doesn't matter what kind of job I am getting, I could be a cashier, a waitress, or even just a non-paid intern in the office. Even though the salary I would get from these jobs would be low, but a lower income will make me understand more of the value of money and appreciate what I have now.

When I get my first pay check, I would take my parents out to dinner. Since I was a little kid, they had been working very hard and bought me lots of nice toys and clothes provided the best education to me. Even though a dinner doesn't worth that much, but it is a way to show my parents my appreciation of their love, its value is priceless to them.

In this one year, I hope to gain leadership experience at work. Leadership plays a big role in our society. It is crucial not in our job, but also our everyday lives. It doesn't need a high position to gain leadership experience; an influential person can also be defined as a leader, too. While at work, I will put my best effort to not only my duty, but also to motivate my coworkers to do their best. By doing so, I believe my leadership will be improved.

I would spend this one year working, and keeping myself busy to prepare for college. I hope to learn a lot of things through working. And when I have a chance to study at Georgia Institute of Technology, I know I am ready for it!
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