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Posts by deniseykf
Joined: Oct 24, 2010
Last Post: Oct 24, 2010
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From: United States of America

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Oct 24, 2010
Undergraduate / Economics: intended major + volunteering in a clothes store - experience [2]

What is your intended major? Discuss how your interest in the subject developed and describe any experience you have had in the field - such as volunteer work, internships and employment, participation in student organizations and activities - and what you have gained from your involvement.

Can you give some advise to me?
Thank you so much!

My intended major is Economics. I started being interest in Economics when I first learn what Economics is about in twelfth grade. I am always passionate about what human behaviors are. I still remember when I was small I will always ask people why people act like that in this aspect and circumstance. As I grow up, my questions become more in market and economic field. I like asking we need to pay for the income tax, why mom always buy things that is cheaper or on sale or why company raises their price, etc. Since that I know that I love economics and I want to be in this field.

Through the study of economics, I found the answers that I did not know before. I learned that employees need to pay taxes to the government in order to let government maintain the country with also effect the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The good that mom purchase is relatively cheaper compare with the substitute good, as a result of that mom is more willing to buy the cheaper good. The amounts that the company produces are based on the scarcity of sources. The increase of retail price is followed by the price increase in input. I enjoy learned economic I learn more about people through this major.

I volunteered in my friend's family owned clothes store in summer two year ago. I gain an opportunity to study customer behavior. I learned how to gain a larger profit in the owner's point of view. I also learned some skills on managing and run a business since economics and business are highly related. In the work, I observe about what specific items people will buy in a certain age. What visitors most likely like to buy. After that I will make an idea of what kind of good we should input more and who should we targeted on. Then, we will talk about the input issue. How and what we should do to decrease the cost of input but increase the item that we could sell.

One of the thing that I gain from this involvement is the impotency of international trade. Again resources are scarcity; it is hard to satisfy all people once and need. And through international trade, we can get advantages on other country and at the same time we also provide sources to other country. In my case, international trade on input did help us reduce the input cost. The input that we found oversea is extremely cheap and highly similar then the input that we found in homeland.

I really learn a lot of things from this volunteer work and I gain a lot of experience beside the knowledge and practice on economics.
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