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Posts by Alphaman
Joined: Oct 26, 2010
Last Post: Oct 26, 2010
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Oct 26, 2010
Undergraduate / Biology: struggling getting a hook for my academic interests/profession goal paper [3]

I'm trying to major in biology at University of illinois at urbana-champaign, but i'm having a bit of difficulty coming up with an attention grabber.

Essay 1: In an essay of 300 words or less, please discuss your academic interests and/or professional goals.

I was going to do something like this. but it seems like it would suck

My interest in biology can be traced back to my freshman year in high school. I had always found biology to be an interesting subject interesting since it's studies are based about life. Biology can tell you how you were made, what makes you up, and the processes happening inside your body, But the subject doesn't stay in the boundaries of human studies, it can branch out to all living creatures on earth.

it's really dull and i don't know a way to spice it up, i was thinking of kinda bending the truth so i can make up a story about how my interest grew from childhood and such.
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