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Posts by JBridgez
Joined: Oct 26, 2010
Last Post: Nov 9, 2010
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From: United States of America

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Nov 9, 2010
Undergraduate / "had no passion for learning, let alone listening" - Common App Short Answer [4]

During my community service I was thrown into the heart of the city of Hartford. I was placed in Burr School, which is a rough local elementary school. The students there were raised in a tough environment and had no passion for learning, let alone listening. I went and helped these students during their after school program. I was to make sure that they got their homework done before they went home because they refuse to do schoolwork when they're not at school. I was successful in completing this task. Other high school students that were also assigned to this community service were not up to that challenge of really pushing these kids to want to learn, and to want to succeed. I feel that the reason why I got them to actually behave like students was due to my high spirit and enthusiasm. I believe that those students saw me as a role model. The way they looked up to me gave me a priceless heartwarming feeling.

This is for Merrimack College.

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