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Posts by dmonkey
Joined: Nov 2, 2010
Last Post: Nov 2, 2010
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Nov 2, 2010
Writing Feedback / What do people do and think when they decide to do shopping? (Essay for LLI class) [2]

This is my essay for Lamar Language Institute(Beaumont,TX) advanced writing class. Teacher told me write the whole essay, including intro, body and conclusion. He gave me the thesis, is that how shopping effects people's life physically and psychologically. But I'm not sure if this essay matches the thesis.

And my teacher told me that there are 5 types of the purpose in an essay, inform, explanation, convince, persuade and entertain. Is his opinion right? I don't know much about essay...

The following essay took 30min to be done.
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Nobody could deny the importance of shopping's effect on people's daily life. Although shopping has become a common part of social activities, people don't think seriously about shopping, they just consider it a daily job or a task and the focus is on whether it is done or not. In the following essay, I want to tell shoppers that how shopping affects their daily life from both physically and psychologically.

Before deciding to go to a mall or a market, they should need a plan which helps them know what they should buy and what the budget is. Some people who have regular workdays often do shopping on weekends and buy enough food for their one-week lives. It is better for them to make a plan in case of forgetting something to buy, and they don't need to worry about the whole week's food supply. But for others, even though they could buy things when they have time, a plan is helpful to make their shopping time more effective. Budget of shopping is one thing that can give people opportunities to practice managing money matters. Both making a plan and having a budget belong to physical affects because these are what people need to do.

People may have more things to do during shopping. When something which is not on his plan is on sale, he may consider if this is useful to him and decide whether to buy it. When something has different brands, he may think about choosing which one is better. When something he needs is out of stock, he may change his plan or go to another market. When some food is close to its shelf life, like breads, he may just buy a little. People need do so specific things in order to finish shopping successfully. All of these belong to physical affects which tell people they should do or they are doing right now.

Actually, shopping, a simple activity always influences people's feelings and thoughts. When a traffic jam is on the way to a market, or when there are too many people in the market, or when the thing he wants is OOS, he may feel bored. When something he needs is on sale, or when settling accounts are fast, he may feel happy. When some food's shelf life is coming, or when there are various brands for one thing, he may feel confused. When the cashier's attitude in attending to customers is bad, or when something is found have been broken after shopping, he may get angry. In fact, shopping gives people a lot of feelings which belong to psychological affects.

In conclusion, sometimes, shopping is like having a party; people need to prepare it with their hearts in order to make it more effective and comfortable.
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