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Posts by tjoren533
Joined: Nov 10, 2010
Last Post: Nov 10, 2010
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From: United States of America

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Nov 10, 2010
Undergraduate / Snowboarding - extracurricular activity - winter sports [2]

What is snowboarding to me? "I would not even call snowboarding a sport. It is a way of life. It is a chance to shut your brain off and live in the moment." Travis Rice could not have said it any better. Snowboarding has become a part of who I am and has had many influences on my life. The sport of snowboarding has taught me very valuable skill such as: Persistence, Hard work, Courage and Dedication. I was taught to be persistent when learning new tricks. From personal experience, when learning a new trick I experienced many failures and countless tries but snowboarding taught me to stick with it because the taste of victory and achievement is incomparable. The sport also taught me about the value of courage and being able to take risks. From watching other people accel, I learned that I need to really push myself if I want to be at the top of the charts. Almost every time that I ride I scare the living daylights out of myself. This is not a bad thing though because it teaches me to push my comfort zone and reap the rewards. Snowboarding also taught me dedication because if you love something enough and would like to be good at it then you need to be dedicated. All the time that I spend thinking about and actually riding my snowboard show my extreme dedication and it really does pay off. Snowboarding to me is a way that I live my life.

hello, I was wondering if you would give some constructive criticism and feedback to my short answer reply for the common application. Thank you.
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