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Posts by vashi
Joined: Nov 15, 2010
Last Post: Nov 21, 2010
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From: georgia

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Nov 15, 2010
Scholarship / "changing interior" - one beneficial change at your school [4]

first of all hi to everyone it's my first post (and I'm not good in english too so help me :) )

subject of topic is one change at your school :
I go to a small school but I like it because it gives me a good education. But if i could change one thing in my school it would be interior. It's really old fashion, I think that it effects on th rating of the school.

Nowadays more and more schools are build and all are constructed with modern equipment. First off all our school needs new computers. We have old ones and it's really hard to work on them. Every year technology develops and we have to make sure that children have access on modern technology. When students have comfortable term he or she will concentrat only on learning.

Some people say that you don't need good terms to study but I don't agree with it. If I was a parent I would take my child to a school where he feels more comfortable. I would build a gum too.

Sport is very important nowadays. While you are studing it is important to take care of your health too. I think that new sport hall would bring more children in our school and your school would get bigger. people would come to study there from other parts of town too. It won't be a small school any more and it might get noticed by Minisrty of Education.

I believe our school would benefit greatly from changing interior.It would make your school bigger and more popular and it will have good effect on children too.
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