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Posts by bostonbryan
Joined: Nov 23, 2010
Last Post: Nov 26, 2010
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Nov 26, 2010
Undergraduate / Pantomime experience in front of 100+ ex-prisoners: UC prompt #2 [2]

Going into the city of Tijuana, Mexico, I had two simple goals for that week: shape unbelievers to believers of the Gospel, and assist the community in any way possible. Yet, as an incoming freshman, I had barely begun to scratch the surface of their culture, let alone their language. So how was I supposed to communicate? Ironically, the solution was through pantomime. I was comfortable performing solely in front of kids for the entire week, but on a Thursday evening, my team and I were suddenly assigned to perform at another church, this time, in front of hundreds of ex-prisoners. Many had recently been released and lived in desolate prisons near sewers. They were poorly fed and judging from their scars, were physically abused on a daily basis. Walking into the church, I heard vulgar comments shouted left and right in Spanish. Clearly, some didn't want us there. Nevertheless, I took center stage and readied myself for my most nerve wracking moment of the trip.

As a loud blare of trumpets signaled my cue, I positioned myself for the first movement. Slowly, yet surely I took every step with caution, motioned my body when necessary, and took deep breaths. Eventually, my fear subsided and as I stood behind three of the performers at the correct moment, I was ready to finish my performance with strength. Yet, once I understood that each of the performers were approaching my finale, the fear rushed back in like a tsunami. There were about 20 seconds left until my next part, but I abruptly forgot my actions. Counting down, I just needed to stick my hand out, but my hand was shaking violently. Thankfully, at the last moment, I was right on target.

However, each part became that much more difficult to remember. With constant stage fright and memorized movements clashing and ranging inside my head, there were several mishaps. To make matters worse, beads of sweat were racing down my spine, and the whole audience could see this spectacle. I could clearly hear the snickering of the ex-prisoners, which increased the merciless anxiety. I thought my mission to teach these people of the lesson in this pantomime was a failure, but I remembered from scripture that, "he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion." This pantomime was a symbol of my work that I needed to complete at all costs, and as I painfully endured 15 lashes to my death, the audience's coarse exterior slowly faded. And when I valiantly rose again to signal my revival, I heard an uproar of jubilance.

I take pride in this moment because I was able to shake seemingly unshakable people. People who came from rough and tough backgrounds who knew no joy now became joyful. People who were once lost in this world were now found optimistic through this pantomime that reassured their past is of the past and just as I stood triumphantly, so can they. I was able to fill a chasm in their lives and now they can look ahead with a promising future.
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