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Posts by nathalie1912
Joined: Nov 25, 2010
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From: Russian Federation

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Nov 25, 2010
Writing Feedback / In Barnaul youth will be interested in theatre [2]

In Barnaul youth will be interested in theater
Creative group "Project-41", working on base of «Regional palace of youth", has begun preparation of socially significant PR-project "Theatrical boom".

This PR-project is urged to revive the interest of the Altai youth to theater; its realization will pass from September till December, 2009. To change the relation of the Altai youth to theater, "Project-41" has decided to join them to the staging process.

Socially significant PR-project "Theatrical boom" will be timed to the Year of youth in Russia.
For more effective communication with its target audience " Project-41" plans a close cooperation with mass-media. At the moment negotiations with a number of local mass-media are carried on. Besides, it will be offered to representatives of the Altai mass-media to become a member of organizing committee of the project.

Now the search of partners, who will be able to show their social responsibility by joining to the realization of the project, is also conducted among Altai business community.

At present " Project-41" is forming an organizing committee of socially significant PR-project "Theatrical boom". It will unite representatives of theatrical sphere, authorities and mass-media. So it will become an example of social partnership.

Competition of scenarios among the Altai youth will be the first stage of the project.
At the end of competition the organizing committee will choose the best text which will become a basis for performance and the author of this scenario will have a chance to take part in staging.

The second stage is casting. So from October, 7 till October, 9th all comers can participate in it. The organizing committee will select actor's troupes from nonprofessional actors. All the participants will pass training master classes and seminars on actor's skill.

At the end of November the rehearsals will begin with the participation of the professional director.
The final stage of The PR-project will be the presentation of the performance to the wide public. The opening-night is planned for December. The Altai youth, children from children's homes and from needy and large families will be invited to the event.

Creative group " Project-41" exist since March, 18th, 2005 as a university branch of the Russian Association of students on public relations in the Altai academy of economy and the rights . On January, 15th 2008 the creative group was registered as an independent legal entity- the Altai regional public organization.

By results of the All-Russian center of studying of public opinion it was established that almost half of Russians practically does not visit theaters (47 %), and 29 % of our fellow citizens have never visited them, and further are not going to visit them.

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